CHADS Social-Emotional Mentoring
CHADS Social-Emotional Mentoring uses the evidenced based Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) competencies which are self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making. Research has shown that students who develop skills in these areas also experience improvement in grades, behavior, peer relationships and an overall sense of well-being. As a participant in the program, students from grades K-12 will be matched with a CHADS Social Emotional Mentor and meet weekly for 30 minute sessions which follow a curriculum structured on these social emotional learning skills. During the mentoring sessions the mentor will use different teaching modalities to engage mentees such as dialogue, role playing, art, worksheets, journaling, and games. The student’s progress is assessed throughout the program. CHADS mentors all have a bachelors or master’s degree and are trained in teaching the social emotional learning curriculum. All mentors at CHADS are screened and receive a thorough background check as part of employment accreditation standards.
*Cost for programming varies based on location and availability.
“I definitely think it makes our child feel like he has more people who care about him. She goes above and beyond to communicate our child’s progress, gaining the respect of the parents and our child. We are so lucky!”
“My child has found ways to be able to deal with situations at school that would usually get him upset and he has not been in any trouble since meeting with Jill.”
Bullying/Cyber Bullying Presentations
Bullying and cyberbullying are no longer considered taboo issues inside or outside of school settings. One of the goals of the agency is to promote the awareness of bullying prevention. An interactive presentation has been created for various age levels of students, as well as a presentation for the adults in a child’s life. Participants will learn how to define bullying, how to be active change agents in their schools, and how to involve a trusted adult in these situations. These presentations were designed to begin a positive and healthy conversation regarding bullying and cyberbullying. Learn more about the presentations we offer here.
Second Step
Although most schools implement a Social Emotional Learning curriculum, there are many schools who could benefit from an additional program with the aid of a CHADS Second Step facilitator. The Second Step Program is an evidence-based program offered for students grades K – 8. This program provides interactive curriculum which gives students the tools to excel in and out of the classroom. Students will acquire essential skills in emotion management, situational awareness, and academic achievement. CHADS’ Second Step Program is designed to offer students additional support with identifying their emotions and with techniques to manage their emotions.
Olweus Bullying Prevention
After much research, CHADS adopted the SAMHSA approved, evidence-based “Model K-12” Olweus Bullying Prevention program. This multi-level approach involves students, staff, parents and community leaders in order to create an anti-bullying culture. With over 35 years of research and successful implementation, Olweus has documented a 20-70% reduction in reports of being bullied and bullying others. This internationally recognized program, which supports Missouri Guidance GLEs, makes a measurable difference for those being bullied, for those who have bullying behaviors, as well as for the bystanders who feel powerless to make a difference. Usually offered at no cost to schools and youth organizations, the program’s goal is to change the norms around bullying behavior and restructure the school setting so bullying is less likely to occur or be rewarded. Additionally, general antisocial behaviors such as vandalism, theft, truancy, and fighting have reported significant reductions by community agencies. Through CHADS, a number of area schools have already implemented the program and have documented dramatic results in reducing negative peer behavior.
Have you used CHADS’ Social Emotional Well-being services before?