Light the Darkness Glow Run 5K and 1 Mile
The 11th Annual "Light the Darkness" Suicide Prevention Fundraiser is being held on September 21st, 2019 at Saint Ferdinand Park in Florissant. This event, inspired by the Florissant Youth Advisory Commission and held in memory of a local teen, Alex McArthur, who passed away in 2007, includes several fun activities for the family. See below for a schedule of events.
5:00P Family Fun Fair
Includes raffles, 50/50, glow item sales, exhibitors, face painting and more! Food vendors will also be present and will be donating a percentage of their sales back to the organizations. Some activities will be free and some will carry a small fee. All of the money raised will be donated to the Eastern MO Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and CHADS Coalition for Mental Health.
5:30P-7:00P Free Concert in the Park
Enjoy a free concert at Saint Ferdinand Park by the lake at the bandstand by the band Fanfare. Fanfare plays a variety of styles of music with a great deal of, well…FANFARE! Fanfare features the lead vocalist Kittie Moller whose vocals will capture and enthrall you. The music they play will take you all over the sound spectrum with music that includes Motown, R&B, Classic Rock, Disco, Pop, Country, Standards & Jazz, Big Band and music of today.
7:15P Glow Run 5K/1 Mi
The annual Glow Run 5K/1 Mile is sure to be a hit with the family. Registered participants will receive an event shirt (sizes only guaranteed for those who register through SEP 1), fun glow give aways and a custom glow in the dark finishers medal. Pre register online by visiting https://runsignup.com/Race/MO/Florissant/LightTheDarkness
or register in person at either Florissant Community Center.
Day of registration will be accepted at Pavilion 4 in Saint Ferdinand Park from 5-7P. The race course features fun lighted and glowing decorations. The event is not timed so runners and walkers alike can enjoy themselves and take in the glowing decorations at their own pace.
All of the events above, including a softball tournament on SEP 14 are put on to raise money for two local mental health and suicide prevention organizations to help fund outreach programs in our local schools.